In the heart of Valletta, in the Sagrestia Vault, pianist Natalia Rakhmatulina is preparing to give audiences two performances on April 28 and May 5. Against the backdrop of the Valletta Waterfront, these concerts are set to cater to a wide breadth of musical palates.

The first concert will take place on April 28 at 3pm, where Rakhmatulina will perform her rendition of popular melodies. From ageless classics to contemporary favourites, this concert promises a rich tapestry of musical genres, appealing to a diverse audience of music enthusiasts.

Subsequently, on May 5 at 3pm, connoisseurs of classical music are invited to attend to a wide variety of compositions ranging From Bach to Debussy.

This performance is set to be an intimate exploration from Bach’s timeless compositions through the works of Mozart, Beethoven, Schubert, Chopin, Grieg and Mendelssohn, before culminating in the evocative harmonies of Debussy.

Both concerts will take place within the Sagrestia Vault, accessible via the Chapel of the Escape to Egypt at the Valletta Waterfront. The venue’s intimate setting ensures that each note resonates with great clarity.

Given the limited capacity of the venue, the organisers encourage interested audience members to secure their tickets in advance.

Tickets for each performance are priced at €10, with the option to attend both for €15, plus the booking fee. Tickets will also be available at the door on the day of the event, subject to availability. These concerts are being supported by Arts Council Malta.

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