Vassallo Group has donated part of the money usually allocated for its social activities at this time of year to the Malta Community Chest Fund Foundation (MCCFF).

The group’s chairman, Nazzareno Vassallo, accompanied by group CEO Pio Vassallo and group director Charlo Bonnici presented the donation to President George Vella, who received it on behalf of the MCCFF.

Furthermore, the group decided to commit itself to a monthly donation of  €2,000 to be donated as from January 1, 2021, on behalf of its employees as part of the Employee Contribution Scheme launched by the foundation.

This comes in addition to a monthly contribution of €1,000 every month by the group as from January 1, 2021 for the duration of President Vella’s tenure in office in support of his initiative focusing on the mental health sector.

During the same presentation, the Vassallo Group chairman handed the president a cheque with the proceeds of a ‘dress down day’ organised by the group’s HR department in October.

These proceeds will also go towards the MCCFF.

In the past years, the foundation has helped hundreds of individuals, from all levels of society, young and old, but particularly the most needy.

Unfortunately, the foundation itself has suffered a setback due to the current situation and had to call off major events aimed at boosting its coffers, which would have allowed it to help more people.

The group encourages everyone to keep supporting the MCCFF and its worthy causes.

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