It seems that Joe Zahra (June 30) feels that the hypothetical future jobs of his children are more important than the concrete and current livelihood of the farmers working the good agricultural land at Tal-Virtù, in Rabat. He seems to imply that these hypothetical future jobs are a good enough reason to ruin one of the most picturesque sceneries still available on the island.

I do not blame him for wanting a future for his children. But what type of future is he proposing? Does he seriously want his children to live in an island where the countryside is nothing but a word from the past and a topic in a history lesson?

Yes, tourism is very important for Malta but with Malta being such a small island resources are very limited and making the best use of them should be the top priority. A golf course in Malta is unsustainable. It will waste much needed resources and in no way will it compete with bigger and better courses around the Mediterranean. Jobs should not come at the expense of the environment and our cultural heritage. It would be bad strategy, verging on idiocy, to try and compete with other countries in areas where we do not stand a remote chance.

If Malta is to attract tourists, it should market itself as something unique. Why would people come to Malta for a golf course when there are loads of them in their own countries? Why should golf enthusiasts choose the Verdala course over other golf courses around the Mediterranean? Malta should emphasise its rich historical and cultural heritage. It should protect not destroy agricultural areas like that of Tal-Virtù.

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