Veteran Maltese actor Vanni Riolo has died aged 89.

Born in 1935, Riolo was known for his work in Malta’s TV, drama and literary circles over the decades.

He was also featured in several international movie productions, including 1988’s Black Eagle, starring Jean-Claude Van Damme, and Treasure in Malta, a 1963 film set in Malta that starred several of Malta’s top actors of the day.

Riolo was also a member of Moviment Qawmien Letterarju, an influential literary movement established in 1967.

Riolo (standing, fourth from left) with fellow literary luminaries, including Oliver Friggieri, Oreste Calleja and Albert Marshall. Photo: Moviment Qawmien LetterarjuRiolo (standing, fourth from left) with fellow literary luminaries, including Oliver Friggieri, Oreste Calleja and Albert Marshall. Photo: Moviment Qawmien Letterarju

He later worked as an educator, serving as a teacher and headmaster across schools in Malta.

Riolo’s death early on Monday morning was confirmed by his daughter, who described him as a “larger than life” character.

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