For the first time in its history, the Vilhena Band of Floriana is performing at the Manoel Theatre in Valletta on September 22 at 7pm.
The concert is being held on the occasion of the 150th anniversary of the band club, which was founded in 1874. The location of the event is also significant as the theatre is named after Grand Master António Manoel de Vilhena, after whom the band is also named.
Under the direction of Mro George Debono, the band will perform pieces by popular classic and contemporary composers such as Puccini, Verdi, Bernstein and Horner, accompanied by the Amadeus Chamber Choir and tenor Brian Cefai.
They will also perform their own hymns such as Omaggio Vilhena and Inno Nazionale San Publio by Angelo Melilli, Portes des Bombes by George Debono and Innu Banda Vilhena by Adeodato Gatt.
Tickets for 150 Anniversarju: Kunċert Strumentali mill-Banda Vilhena can be obtained from the band club’s premises in St Anne Street, Floriana, and from Jobbers Ironmongery opposite the band club.