The 125th anniversary celebrations of the arrival of Vincenzo Cremona’s statue of St George will be given a boost tomorrow with special events being organised in Qormi.

These special observances are being organised by the La Stella Band Club in collaboration with the Għaqda Mużikali San Ġorġ Martri, Qormi.

A symposium with the theme ‘Sculptor Vincenzo Cremona (1851-1912): His life and works’ will be organised at the St George Martyr Band Club in Qormi, tomorrow starting at 10.30am.

The list of speakers includes some of the most well-known scholars on socio-religious history in Malta, namely Fabian Mangion, Tony Terribile, Victor Caruana and Eugene Montanaro.

It will also be addressed by the archpriest of St George’s parish in Qormi. The event is being held with the help of the Malta Arts Council – Creative Communities.

Tomorrow evening, at 8pm, a special band march with the statue of St George will be held around the centre of Qormi, where, for the first time in its history Cremona’s statue will be paraded outside the streets of Victoria.

The La Stella Band, Victoria and the St George Martyr Band of Qormi will also be marching together on this occasion.

The 125th anniversary  celebrations commenced last April with a grand demonstration of the statue throughout the centre of Victoria by the La Stella Band, with the participation of St Margaret Band of Sannat.

The La Stella Band Club said that in the coming days it would reveal further special initiatives in connection with this anniversary, which forms part of the external festivities of the feast of St George, to be celebrated in Victoria during the third week of July.

Cremona’s masterpiece represents the victory of St George over evil. The statue is used in the external festivities in honour of the saint.

For more details, visit the Facebook page Soċjetà Filarmonika La Stella, or

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