Maltese virtuoso violinist Carmine Lauri will take centre stage with Russian virtuoso violinist Maxim Vengerov in Oxford and London next month.

The first concert on October 3 will take place at the Olivier Hall in Oxford, where Lauri and Vengerov will perform Mozart’s Concertone K.190 in C major for two violins and orchestra.

This will be the opening concert for the 2024/25 season of the Oxford Philharmonic, of which Lauri is the concertmaster, and will feature violin concertos by Mozart. Lauri will join Vengerov (a long-time colleague of Lauri) for the duo concerto, accompanied by the Oxford Philharmonic.

This is not the first time that Lauri teamed up with Vengerov. On previous occasions, they took centre stage to perform the Bach Double Concerto both in Oxford and at the Barbican Centre in London.

Special private concert in Downing Street in London

Lauri will then lead an ensemble of eight high-profile musicians to perform Mendelssohn’s Octet op.20 for a special private concert for distinguished guests which will take place in Downing Street in London on October 4.

For this performance, Lauri will team up with principals of the Oxford Philharmonic, together with soloists from the Morningside Music Bridge, Boston, in the US. 

Lauri has made a name for himself and his country as a virtuoso violinist, performing worldwide not only as a soloist with a number of world-class orchestras and conductors, but also leading the prestigious London Symphony and Oxford Philharmonic Orchestras, among numerous other orchestras.

In March, he made his debut at the prestigious Berlin Philharmonie performing Paganini’s 1st Violin Concerto with the Berliner Symphoniker and will be performing the same concerto again on May 22 of next year at the Scheldonian Theatre in Oxford with the Oxford Philharmonic, conducted by its music director, Mro Marios Papadopolous.Lauri will be performing on a violin made by Antonio Stradivarius for these concerts, generously loaned to him by Anna Kosinska.

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