A man who was the subject of a police 'wanted' notice last week, was charged in court on Tuesday over theft and domestic violence. He was arrested after the police were tipped off that he was at a St Julian’s band club on Monday.

Llewwlyn Xerri, 29, appeared before Magistrate Elaine Rizzo and was charged with stealing cash from a colleague in St Julians, assaulting and slightly injuring his ex-partner, causing her to fear him and breaching a protection order.

Llewwlyn Xerri was arraigned on Tuesday. Police photo.Llewwlyn Xerri was arraigned on Tuesday. Police photo.

Magistrate Elaine Rizzo heard how, on 27 January, the St Julians police received a report from an employee at Manouche who claimed that, two days earlier, cash had been stolen from his haversack at work.

CCTV footage showed Xcerri opening the bag and taking it. He was reported to the police.  His ex-partner filed a separate police report claiming he had assaulted and injured her and breached a protection order.

The police were initially unable to locate him and issued a notice urging the public to report his whereabouts. On Monday they received a tip that he might be at a St Julians band club and he was arrested.

During Tuesday's arraignment the court ordered a ban on the publication of the name of the ex-partner and also issued another protection order binding Xerri not to approach her. He was remanded in police custody.

Inspectors Darryl Farr, Antonello Magri and Jonathan Cassar prosecuted with AG lawyer Clive Aquilina.Lawyer Victor Bugeja appeared for the accused and lawyer Lennox Vella represented the victim.

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