The transport minister has ordered action against a white taxi driver after passengers, including children, were filmed exiting the car via the boot.

Chris Bonett said the incident was “completely unacceptable and won’t be tolerated on our roads."

Footage shared on social media showed a man and two children climbing out of the boot of a white cab parked on Castille Square in Valletta. Another three passengers exiting from its side doors.

The footage does not show the vehicle in motion or indicate whether a trip had taken place.

A video emerged on Thursday showing a man and two children exiting from a taxi boot close to the heart of government.

Bonett said he had ordered Transport Malta to “immediately” take steps against the driver to set an example to others.

“It cannot be that because of one person's irresponsibility, the entire sector which is made up of workers dedicated to their work and to provide service to the people will be affected”, he said.

Transport Malta confirmed to Times of Malta that it is investigating. 

“Such behaviour is unacceptable to Transport Malta... The authority will investigate the case and will be taking the necessary action,” he said, adding that road safety was a “top priority” for the agency.

This isn’t the first time Transport Malta has been called upon to take action against a cab driver allowing people to ride in their boot.

In June last year, the agency acted against a taxi driver captured on video letting two passengers climb into his vehicle's boot.

In that instance, Transport Malta's Enforcement Unit had conducted an "extensive search" to identify the driver and later suspended the tag allowing him to work in the cab industry.

Responding to questions from Times of Malta, a spokesperson for Transport Malta called the incident “unacceptable” and said the agency would be investigating the issue.

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