Police are investigating after a girl was filmed being kicked and punched by a gang of other girls in Valletta over the weekend.

The footage shows the girl near Hastings Garden, covering her head while other girls kick her in the face twice and punch her head.

At one point her head slams against a steel barrier.

It is one of a series of videos sent to Times of Malta filmed on Saturday night that show groups of unidentified teenagers in the capital. 

Warning. Contains upsetting scenes. A girl is kicked in the face and smacked on the head in Valletta attack

Another video shows a group of boys fighting while screams can be heard in the background.

“Hold him! Don’t let him escape,” one boy shouts as a person they were beating runs away out of shot.

It is unclear if the person they were shouting at was a teenager.

Both videos seem to be taken by people within these groups. 

"Hold him! Don't let him escape," boys screamed in Valletta during a brawl over the weekend

Responding to questions sent by Times of Malta, a police spokesperson said that, regarding the case of the girl, a police report was filed and investigations are currently under way.


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