A protected Osprey was shot down near Birżebbuġa on Monday morning, BirdLife Malta said. 

BirdLife volunteers witnessed and filmed the incident during an annual Raptor Camp. The NGO said the incident happened after four Ospreys were seen roosting in the Buskett area on Sunday evening. 

Following the incident, BirdLife Malta called 119 immediately and was informed the Environmental Protection Unit (EPU) were not available. Following a third call, an EPU unit was reached, and details were passed on. The NGO said that it believes neither the bird nor the hunter were located. 

“The disregard towards the law by hunters that aim at protected birds is encouraged by the lack of enforcement on the islands of Malta and Gozo and is the reason why Malta is facing legal infringement procedures by the European Commission on the matter,” the statement read. 

BirdLife Malta urged the Malta Police Force to take environmental protection, especially bird protection laws, seriously. It urged for a stronger EPU presence with adequate resources and motivation to act fast in such circumstances, especially while a hunting season for around 10,000 hunters is currently open. 


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