Vandals have been caught on camera breaking car mirrors in Swieqi in the last two weeks, exacerbating the frustration of residents.

Two videos show at least five young men, some appearing in an inebriated state, targeting vehicles on two of Swieqi's main roads. 

In one video, a youngster is seen grappling with the side mirror of a vehicle, while the other shows four men running through the street, kicking another two vehicles. 

Car mirrors being broken by vandals Video edited by Karl Andrew Micallef

It is the latest in a series of incidents where residents have found their cars broken into, eggs thrown, and glass bottles shattered on properties.

Swieqi mayor Noel Muscat said: ”Swieqi residents can’t even have a peaceful night anymore because they are so worried about what will be done to their property or cars.”

Deputy mayor Jordan Galea Pace said Swieqi is turning into an extension of Paceville, causing sleepless nights for residents and turning the area into a dump.

Residents have expressed their frustration through social media posts, with one saying he is stocking up on an inventory of broken mirrors.

Swieqi resident online showing damage to the car windowsSwieqi resident online showing damage to the car windows

Muscat said the vandalism is unfortunately not new for the locality, with reports of a spike in vandalism between May and September.

The mayor believes the biggest issue behind the increase in vandalism is the increase in short-let apartments in the area. He believes this goes hand-in-hand with the increase in the area's large tourist population.

As a result, the authorities cannot keep up with the problems.

“The problem has mushroomed since the number of short-let apartments has grown," Muscat said. 

The mayor has requested the police commissioner to leave the police station open at night due to increased incidents. 

He also called for a carrying-capacity exercise to help manage the population increase and halt short-let permits in the area.

Muscat apologised to the property owners planning to convert their properties to short lets but said this is a key part of the problem: "enough is enough". 

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