It’s that time of year again when you make a list of resolutions. Certainly, the start of a New Year is the perfect time to turn a new page, which is probably why so many people make New Year's resolutions.

Whether it’s to go to the gym or save more money, we all want goals that will have a positive impact on our lives. This year, we should all make our New Year’s resolution list an environmentally sustainable one.

Let’s take the pledge to save water. No doubt, water is the most essential resource on our planet, as every living thing needs it to survive. Without water, there would be zero undergrowth on land, no oxygen for humans and animals to survive, and the planet would look completely different from the one we live in today. 

We all rely on water, and it should be treasured and safeguarded as the precious resource that it is. With simple changes in water use habits, you can save on your monthly bills and use less water, such as:

  • Running the dishwasher or washing machine with full loads. This will ensure that the device is at maximum capacity before you switch it on and it will help to make the most of the energy, water and detergent the dishwasher uses.
  • Take a shower for five minutes or less. This simple change in your daily routine can help save up to 70 litres of water per shower.
  • Use a broom instead of a hose to clean your driveway and sidewalks. Doing that will save so much water.
  • Start collecting rainwater and use it! Make a gift to yourself collect rainwater in a rain barrel or simply a container and start using it to water a plant or cleaning.
  • Consider switching over to energy and water efficient appliances.

These simple tips for water conservation in our daily life can help us to avoid daily wastage of water. Moreover, it will help us make a water-sufficient country and to effectively combat problems related to water shortage.

Conserving water is a pretty easy task, and it’s something small you can do every day to make a positive impact on the future. Besides, saving water is the easiest resolution to keep.

Let’s take the pledge!

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