Labour's apologists, including that grumpy old (I'm a fine one to speak) man who puts up a video-blog on occasion to ventilate his pet peeves, make available to the populace the notion that I am one of a triumvirate (quadrille, if you include Fr Joe Borg) of blogger/columnists who co-ordinate their efforts, sometimes under the patronage of some grey eminence or other, to cast aspersions on Labour and make the PN look great.

You will see evidence of this in many columns, usually written by ladies of a certain demeanour, and in the less complimentary comments that reside below the online versions of the blogs and columns we write.  It is clearly beyond the ladies and commenters concerned that - just maybe - we write the way we write because that about which we write inspires the same reaction in all of us, mainly because we have a brain and we don't think that New Labour, Joseph Muscat and all the rest are the best thing since sliced bread.

What is also beyond their comprehension is the fact that their own concerted chorus is so patently transparent that the same charge could be levelled at them, as if we care.

This time, I will, however, cross-refer to the other two alleged co-conspirators in the plot to do the dirty on Labour and ask you to drop by and check out a video that both have referenced.   It involves the country's PM-wannabe and he is taking part in a comic sketch with a youth impersonating a priest.

When I watched it yesterday, I was blown away.   Not, I hasten to add by the quality of the writing or the acting, because they are dire in the extreme: no, what blew me away was the sheer stupidity of the person who advised Joseph Muscat to be anywhere within a thousand miles of this rubbish.   Comedy is difficult enough to pull off when you're a pro, and while Muscat is very often perceived as quite a joker, Rowan Atkinson he sure ain't.  And when you combine this with the abysmal levels of the production with the inane - nay, puerile - jokes, both visual and verbal, you come to conclusion that if this is the person who is going to run the country, it's time to the head to the hills, no two ways about it.

If the PN wants to win the election, and despite evidence to the contrary, it has to be assumed that they do, all they have to do is air this clip once or twice a day, to show the country the levels to which Labour is willing to grovel in order to try to attract even a single iota of voter-sympathy, even if any normal political advisor with half a brain cell could have pointed out that, sorry, this is not the way to do it.

And that's quite apart from the fact that by taking part in this piece of rubbish, Joseph Muscat has demonstrated a fatal lack of discernment or good judgement - he should have run screaming in the opposite direction, not sat there, in his office simpering like an idiot.

I hope he is not an idiot, but he sure looked like one and acted like one.

The thing is, when you think about it, his two deputies think nothing of posing with elephants or doing weird things with puppets, so perhaps it's not so out of character that the head honcho descends to levels such as this. 

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