10 years ago - The Times
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Marsa incinerator to generate its own power
The amount of fuel consumed by the Marsa incinerator will be reduced once the plant starts generating electricity from steam and the treatment of solvents.
Since the incinerator started operating a year ago, it has burnt about 5,000 tons of waste. To do that it has used up about €1 million worth of diesel to operate its high temperature furnace, much less than the original estimate of €2.5 million.
Wasterserv CEO Vince Magri said the fuel expense will soon be reduced even further as the plant starts generating its own electricity through a system that will convert steam generated during the incineration process into energy. The system will be producing more energy than needed by the plant and the extra electricity will be exported through Enemalta’s national grid, Mr Magri explained.
Moreover, within the next few weeks the plant will start treating solvents that can also be used to fuel the system.
This treatment will start once it is certified at which stage the incinerator will be completely handed over to Wasteserv. So far, uncertified parts of the system still fall under the supplier’s responsibility.
25 years ago - The Times
Friday, January 21, 1994
Strong support for Malta in European Parliament
Five Euro MPs yesterday showed overwhelming support for Malta’s bid to join the European Union as the European Parliament in Strasbourg concluded its debate on the applications of Cyprus and Malta to join the Union.
There was hardly a mention of Cyprus as the five MPs, speaking in succession, repeatedly spoke of the reasons why Malta should join, drawing into their arguments not only the political and economic issues of today but also Malta’s history, language, the Knights, and its role in the Second World War.
Lorry Sant allowed to write in GWU newspapers
Labour leader Alfred Sant yesterday strongly condemned the General Workers’ Union for deciding to allow Mr Lorry Sant to write in its newspapers, saying this was very harmful to the party. Dr Sant wrote to GWU general secretary Anġlu Fenech on January 7, saying that it would be a stab in the back of the Labour Party if the union’s papers were to include among their contributors people who had been expelled or suspended from the party.
Half a century ago - Times of Malta
Tuesday, January 21, 1969
Port workers in New Quay walk out
Port workers at the New Deep Water Quay at Marsa walked out on strike yesterday in protest at what they described as new proposals by the port authorities aimed at eliminating the existing system of employment at the Quay.
One port worker said they were entitled by law to pass on their licence as port workers to their sons on their retirement. He said that this system of inheriting the licence has been in force for several years and that the port authorities were now planning to abolish the system.
The port worker added that the port authorities wanted to abolish the system in order to reduce the number of workers at the Quay.
One shipping agent said that, due to the existing and envisaged increase of mechanisation at the port, there was no need to maintain the existing labour force.
He added that the authorities might have wanted to abolish the system to reduce the number of workers without affecting the remaining employees. In other words, the reduction would have been considered as a natural wastage.