25 years ago - The Times

Friday, June 24, 1994

Lm5m rise in SGS share capital

SGS-Thomson Microelectronics (Malta) Limited, one of the leading exporting firms on the island, is raising its share capital by Lm5 million, to Lm21.6 million.

The increase has been authorised by the company’s head office to support 50 per cent of the 1994 investments in the Malta plant. The aim is to further upgrade the electronic devices made at the plant.

The increase was originally planned to be made at the end of this year or in the first quarter of next year, but has been put forward to July.

Malta at Strasbourg assembly

A Maltese delegation is participating in the third part of the 1994 Ordinary Session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe in Strasbourg.

The delegation, led by Nationalist MP John Vella, includes Finance Parliamentary Secretary Josef Bonnici, Nationalist MPs Tonio Borg and Louis Deguara and Labour MP Vincent Moran.

Assembly speakers will include the new secretary general of the Council of Europe Daniel Tarschys from Sweden.

Half a century ago - Times of Malta

Tuesday, June 24, 1969

Driver burnt to death after mini-bus crashes into electricity pole

The driver of a hotel mini-bus was burnt to death and his companion was badly injured in the early hours of yesterday morning when the van crashed into an electricity pole at Tal-Barrani Road, near Għaxaq.

Tony Borg, 39, of Valletta, father of three daughters, is believed to have been on his way home after taking two other employees of the Sheraton Hotel to Birżebbuġa at about 2.30am.

His mini-bus mounted the dividing strip of Tal-Barrani Road, hit the pole and caught fire. Joseph Borg, who was with Tony Borg, was rescued with severe facial injuries and burns.

Tony Borg was trapped in the vehicle which became a ball of fire after the impact. His body was removed from the wreckage yesterday morning during an on-the-spot inquiry by the Magistrate on duty Dr F. Mizzi.

It is believed that the van hit the pole’s fuse box and smashed it in, thereby setting itself on fire.

All the seats were burnt out. The front part of the vehicle, already heavily damaged by the impact, and both sides and roof were badly burnt.

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