PN leader Bernard Grech said the labour government is no longer looking after the interests of the working class but is “cheating workers” instead.
Speaking at the party's headquarters on Sunday, Grech said that the government is too busy working for powerful criminals to consider the needs of the man on the street.
“Robert Abela's government is no longer the worker's government but cheats workers instead,” he said.
“This (PN) is the workers' party,” Grech said.
Grech said Air Malta's recruitment drive, at a time when the airline can be disbanded, is a "betrayal" of workers who might leave their current jobs to join the national airline only to be left jobless months later.
The PN leader said that the government has also abandoned healthcare professionals who have been left understaffed, under the pressures of a growing population.
“What would (the late Socialist Prime Minister Dom) Mintoff have thought,” Grech asked.
Instead of dealing with problems, Robert Abela is “shooting the messenger” Grech said.
“They did it with Mark Camilleri and they are doing it with Paul Pace,” he said.
In March, a judge ordered the police commissioner to take criminal action against author Mark Camilleri for publishing thousands of messages between Labour MP Rosianne Cutajar and Yorgen Fenech, in breach of a court ban.
On Saturday, the Health Ministry said they will investigate Pace, the nurses union boss, over allegations that he claimed to have worked overtime while on holiday last February. The allegations surfaced amid an ongoing dispute between the MUMN and the Health Ministry over nurses' working conditions.
Air Malta
Grech said that Airmalta "has gone bankrupt" because the government has not taken care of the national airline.
The whole economy will feel the effects, especially tourism, Grech said.
Airmalta is likely to shut down and be replaced with a new airline as the European Commission will forbid the government from pumping almost €300 million into Air Malta to save the airline.
Grech said that every labour minister who had been responsible for the national airline had only cared about employing his people, rather than the sustainability of the airline.