If you take Joseph Muscat at his own word, he is a thief or a missionary or a madman.

In 2002, I am told, he made the declaration that he would not contest the elections because he is none of these. I have no doubt he has a reason for going back on his word now, a mere 11 or so years later.

I doubt, however, that he has transmogrified into a thief, for all that if there is any justice in the world, he wouldn't be allowed to steal the elections from Gonzi. The Lil'Elves and Peculiar Pundits will have much to say about this, but all I need do is point out that they hold Pullicino Orlando and Debono in high regard, which is enough to render them as irrelevant as their heroes.

Likewise, Muscat is not, I assume, mad, although frankly, I sometimes wonder whether all politicians aren't loons.

Which leaves, if you take him at his word, the assumption that he must have delusions of being a missionary, come amongst the poor bloody natives to save them from themselves.  Given that the tone of his remark in 2002 hardly evokes deep felt admiration for the missionary vocation, I somehow doubt we should attribute much altruism to the motivations behind Muscat's headlong leap into politics relatively recently.

Which means, at the bottom line, that Muscat is in, most likely, because it's convenient for him to be in, even if he isn't a thief, a missionary or a lunatic.

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