For almost two weeks, people have been gathering in Valletta protesting against their prime minister, Joseph Muscat.

Among the thousands of demonstrators are a growing number of young people taking to the streets, some for the first time.

Gordon Watson spoke to students in Valletta on Monday to find out why.

'It's too much'

Eighteen-year-old Rachel had never attended a protest in her life until last week. 

She said a lot of young people were taking part because the protests were non partisan and against corruption. 

"The death of a journalist, the lack of democracy, the fact that they are closing up Freedom Square - Freedom Square! - it’s just too much," she said.

"All the things that have happened under Joseph Muscat’s watch are just too much for this country."

Rachel, 18, is among first time protesters taking to the streets to demonstrate against Joseph Muscat. Video: Gordon Watson

'This is impacting our future'

Ariadne Gabriella, 17, has been protesting since the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia but says she is seeing more people her own age on the streets.

“It’s not easy especially being student and knowing the situation around us. The government is making the decisions that are affecting our future and knowing we have to live with this. It’s incredibly stressful. Students are suddenly realising the implications of what is happening. They have started to come out.” she said.

Ariadne Gabrielle says Joseph Muscat should not be prime minister. Video: Gordon Watson

'We were clearly wrong'

Nick, who is in his 20s, said the protests were the only way for young people to raise their voices and keep pressure on the government.

He said he doesn't support any particular party, and has voted both Labour and Nationalist in the past. In the current circumstances, any party would do to replace the current government, he said.

“We thought they would give us a decent change. Then we elected them to do the same a second time. We were clearly wrong about that,” he said.

Nick doesn't support any particular party but feels the government has let down the people. Video: Gordon Watson

'It's a major distraction'

Gilbert Tanti, 18, said that he felt the Prime Minister’s decision to delay his resignation until January 12 was unacceptable. 

He said young people shouldn't have to worry about politicians being able to provide a stable country. 

"So for us to have to worry about about these things, it's an additional stress. So if we have studies, if we have work, it's a major distraction."

Gilbert Tanti, 18, says young people shouldn't have to worry about politicians doing their jobs properly. Video: Gordon Watson


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