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A macaque monkey who famously took selfies should be declared the copyright owner of the photos, rather than the nature photographer who positioned the camera, according to animal rights activists.

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals is seeking a court order to allow all proceeds from the photos to go towards the benefit of the monkey, which has been identified as six-year-old Naruto, and other crested macaques living in a reserve on the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

The photos were taken during a 2011 trip to Sulawesi by British nature photographer David Slater, who says the British copyright obtained for the photos by his company, Wildlife Personalities, should be honoured worldwide.

Fidgeting can help you keep fit

Fidgeting can off-set the unhealthy effects of sitting for long periods and may even help you live longer, research has shown.

Scientists who analysed data on more than 12,700 British women found that too much time spent sitting still increased the risk of dying.

But the association did not apply to participants who rated themselves as “moderately or very” fidgety – even those who sat for long periods.

Rutland rocked by earthquake

An earthquake with a magnitude of 2.8 has been recorded in Rutland.

The epicentre of the quake at 10.40pm on Tuesday was north of Oakham, with residents also reporting feeling the tremor in Northamptonshire.

It is the second time this year the area has been shaken by tremors, with a 3.8 magnitude earthquake recorded in January.

RAF watch tower sells for £100,000

A former aircraft watch tower at one of the RAF’s most secret Second World War bases has been sold for more than £100,000.

The two-storey building at Winkleigh Airfield, along with 9.5 acres of land and disused outbuildings, was bought by a local businessman for £122,000 after a bidding war.

The airbase was built in 1940 on remote Devon moorland to defend Britain’s western approaches from the Luftwaffe and was so strategically important that its existence was officially denied.

Bomb-threat man hated his job

A Vermont chocolate factory worker called in a bomb threat because he hated his job and wanted to get fired.

Police say 22-year-old Kristofer Pregent stole a co-worker’s phone and made the false threat under a different worker’s name at the Barry Callebaut chocolate factory in St Albans.

Police say Pregent then threw the phone in a toilet. He told officers he was unhappy with his job and wanted to be sacked.

Lawyers told to remove bra in jail

Jail workers went too far in telling female lawyers they would have to remove their underwire bras if they wanted to meet clients, a sheriff has said.

At least two lawyers say they were told they would have to remove their bras when entering the Cumberland County Jail because they set off the metal detector. The women refused to comply and left.

Sheriff Kevin Joyce said it was never jail policy to turn away lawyers under such circumstances and told reporters he will not let it happen again. “The policy is real clear: no weapons and contraband. It doesn’t say anything about underwire bras,” he said.

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