On the occasion of the World Maritime Day, which the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) celebrates every year on September 26, the Malta Maritime Forum is organising a half day networking conference to promote discussion among the leading stakeholders on the direction that the Malta Maritime industry needs to take. This initiative is being undertaken in collaboration with the Ministry for Transport, Infrastructure and Public Works (MTIP).

The theme chosen by IMO for the 2024 World Maritime Day is ‘Navigating the future: Safety first.’ The conference will build on this theme to set the dialogue going as to the future direction that the industry needs to navigate to reach the overriding objective of being an even bigger contributor to the Maltese economy. This can be done by giving scope and opportunity for research and innovation, safeguarding of our natural environment and harnessing the fast paced technological development, so that the Maltese maritime product remains relevant and competitive.

The conference will be addressed by leading industry players and professionals from both the public and the private sector who through presentations and panel discussions. Moreover, the event will provide ample time for networking opportunities thereby contributing further towards the future direction of the maritime industry.

The event is open not only to members of MMF but also to other associations, entities and even members of the general public who have an interest in the subject matter. Further information about the event and its distinguished line-up of speakers is available in the conference programme below.

Registration to the event is on a first-come-first-served basis via e-mail on admin@mmf.org.mt.

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