Suicide is a critical issue that impacts individuals, families and communities around the world. Every year, millions of people struggle with suicidal thoughts and many, tragically, lose their lives.

In Malta, the Foundation for Social Welfare Services (FSWS) has long been a leader in providing vital services that offer support, understanding and empowerment to those in need, including those who are contemplating suicide.

One of the cornerstone resources within the FSWS is the national support line – 179 – a 24/7 helpline that provides immediate and confidential assistance to people in crisis. This service provides a safe and non-judgemental space for people to share their feelings and concerns.

The highly trained staff who provide this service are available around the clock to listen with empathy and understanding, and offer vital help to those who feel overwhelmed by their situation.

This immediate access to support is often a lifeline, helping people to feel less isolated and more connected.

Help is just a phone call away

Besides offering immediate support, the helpline also puts one in touch with suitable resources, such as counselling services or mental health professionals. In emergencies, when time is of essence, the helpline operators coordinate with other services to ensure rapid and effective interventions.

The effectiveness of Supportline 179 depends to a large extent on the expertise of its operators. Comprehensive training enables the staff to handle sensitive situations with care and professionalism.

All operators are trained in active listening techniques, enabling them to fully comprehend the emotions and concerns of the caller.

They are also well-informed about mental health problems, so that they can identify suicidal thoughts and intentions, and correctly assess the severity of each situation.

The FSWS training programme also includes crisis intervention strategies that enable operators to de-escalate tense situations and provide immediate support. Ongoing training, supervision and access to a 24/7 professional on-call system, ensure that operators stay informed about best practices and emerging trends in mental health.

Reaching out for help is a courageous step and FSWS professionals are there to listen without judgement. Remember that it is okay to ask for help. FSWS services are there to support and guide those going through difficult times.

Do not hesitate to call 179. Life is precious and, together, one can find a way forward. Help is just a phone call away.

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