Xewkija celebrates the feast of St John the Baptist on Sunday, June 25. Gozo Bishop Anton Teuma will lead a Pontifical Mass and deliver the panegyric at 9am. The Missa Papa Giovanni XXIII, by Mro Joseph Vella, will be executed. The Ite ad Joseph Band of Qala will play marches along the main streets of Xewkija at noon.
Archpriest Daniel Xerri will lead a Solemn Mass at 6.15pm, followed by the procession with the statue of St John the Baptist at 7.45pm. The Precursor Band, under the direction of Mro Mark Gauci, will participate. The Mnarja Band of Nadur, directed by Mro Joseph Grech, will also take part.
On Saturday, the liturgical feast of the birth of St John the Baptist and eve of the feast, the translation of the relic will be held at 7pm, with the participation of the Order of the Knights of St John. At Midnight, an audio visual feature, Ħidma dejjiema tul is-snin, will be held at the Rotunda square, followed by a display of fireworks and synchronised music, titled Flames of Nativity.
Celebrations will be broadcast on Radju Prekursur 99.3FM Stereo and streamed on websajt www.radjuprekursur.com
The village of Xewkija was established as the first parish in the countryside on November 27, 1678. The enthusiasm generated by the post-war revival led the people to conceive an enormous church – a mammoth rotunda. To gauge the feelings of the villagers, their leaders asked them to make a generous contribution so that work could start without delay. They donated generously, both cash and gold.
The foundation stone of the rotunda was laid on May 4, 1952. Their hard work was literally crowned on May 31, 1970 when a wooden cross, 2.5 metres high, was raised on top of the huge dome.
The rotunda, consecrated on June 17, 1978, is also the spiritual seat for the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, known also as the Knights of Malta.