Xjenza Online has issued another special edition, this time dedicated to the multifaceted Maltese economy, featuring eight comprehensive articles that analyse various economic sectors using diverse methodologies, from econometric techniques to descriptive analysis.

The cover of the online magazineThe cover of the online magazine

This edition delves into critical areas such as housing, education, inflation, competition regulation, the labour market, pensions, and the exchange rate of the domestic currency. An additional article provides an overarching discussion on the sustainability of the Maltese economy. The editorial is penned by Lino Briguglio and co-authors.

The full volume and individual articles can be downloaded from here.

Xjenza Online is the science journal of the Malta Chamber of Scientists and is published in an electronic format. It is a peer-reviewed, free, open-access international journal. The journal encompasses research articles, original research reports, reviews, short communications and scientific commentaries in all fields of science. The first printed issue of the journal was published in 1996.

Contributions are still welcome for Xjenza Online volume 12. Pre-submission and general editorial inquiries, as well as all correspondence, should be addressed to the editor-in-chief, Cristiana Sebu, on cristiana.sebu@um.edu.mt.

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