One of the strangest things about writing an opinion column is that you can never see the audience for which you’re writing. You sit at your computer and start jotting down things that are either important to you or that you feel should matter but you only know if your words have left an impact once you receive a private message or venture to the comments section.
If you value your sanity, you quickly learn to avoid your own comments section but that doesn’t mean I don’t occasionally venture to other people’s. If nothing else, sometimes it helps me understand the way others think. This week, it didn’t.
I’m not here to discuss the charges brought against three of Malta’s most prominent men. I am not a judge or a jury. What I don’t get, though, is the public reaction of many of the Maltese.
We are amid some of the darkest days the country has ever seen regarding offences and allegations of offences. The country has arguably never been more financially and morally bankrupt – the latter has literally kept this column going for years.
Every week brings a new scandal, a new chapter in the Mexican soap opera that has become this country’s reality and, despite this, too many continue to go out of their way to constantly spout propaganda and conjecture with what appears to be a complete disregard for fact, motive or evidence.
I already wrote last week about my concerns about the wanton way in which the judiciary was being treated but, this week, I’m nothing short of disgusted about the shape things have taken. I know we haven’t exactly been receiving the best examples from those in power but I can’t, for the life of me, understand how people are boiling everything down to petty tribalism.
Every week brings a new scandal, a new chapter in the Mexican soap opera that has become this country’s reality- Anna Marie Galea
The accusations being levelled are incredibly grave and, yet, one look at social media makes you wonder if you’re watching a football game. I’ve seen everything from Odes to the former prime minister to supposed taunts to Nationalist voters. Sometimes, I wonder if I’ve stumbled into a playground.
Even more incredible than all this is the complete complacency regarding the actual charges being brought, which are meant to be the entire focus of all this. It’s almost like they don’t exist – like they’re an afterthought.
The cherry on top is the convoluted way people perceive these accusations as an attack on the Labour Party – which they are not. It’s not the Labour Party being dragged to court; it’s individuals who allegedly took advantage of their positions within the party.
It’s so surreal to me; this is the equivalent of being told that a friend probably robbed you and, instead of getting angry at being betrayed, you beat up the person who told you for daring to even suggest to you that any ill-doing was taking place.
It’s like clapping for someone for having sex with your partner right in front of you.
Do your own research, question everything and don’t allow others to join dots that don’t exist for you.
Your loyalties should lie with your country first and foremost. We are the only hope this land has left.