A model Mediterranean parliamentary assembly made up of youths from across the region could help inform international organisations’ decision-making, President George Vella told participants of a youth leadership seminar. 

President Vella said that such a model parliament could meet periodically and present its proposals to members of the 5 + 5 Western Mediterranean Dialogue, the Union for the Mediterranean, and the European Commission for necessary action.

He was addressing participants at the opening of the third Young Mediterranean Voices regional leadership seminar, organised by the Anna Lindh Foundation and the Mediterranean Academy of Diplomatic Studies.  

Some of the seminar participants.Some of the seminar participants.

Participants designed policy recommendations around four Sustainable Development Goals, with their proposals to be discussed with the European Commission and the European Parliament, among others.

Among their proposals were: 

• Including migration as part of education curricula from a young age.

• Improving transnational data systems to better record cases of sexual violence, human trafficking and cruelty against children.

• Introducing a critical thinking programme in the curricula of elementary schools.

The seminar, which usually takes place in Malta, was held online this year due to COVID-19 restrictions. It featured 27 participants from Mediterranean and European countries, selected from almost 200 applicants. 

The high-level panel, chaired by MEDAC director Stephen Calleya.The high-level panel, chaired by MEDAC director Stephen Calleya.

Trainees spent five days with access to experienced global leaders, EU policy-makers, media mentors and influential peer networks from politics, business and civil society.  

Speakers included MEDAC chairman Godfrey Pirotta and ALF executive chairman Nabil Al Sharif, former president of Finland Tarja Halonen, Energy Minister Miriam Dalli, acting director of DG NEAR Henrike Trautmann, Chiswick House School director Bernie Mizzi and deputy director general of DG ECHO Michael Kὄhler.  

MEP Lena Dupont, European Commission representation head Elena Grech, MEP Lidia Pereira and MEP Maria Walsh acted as mentors to four teams of participants.

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