Updated 4pm

A 24-year-old Latvian was arraigned in court this afternoon charged with the hit-and-run accident in which a 20-year-old Dutch national was killed early this morning.

Vladimirs Puzanovs pleaded not guilty and was given bail.

The victim, Luc Clous who lived in Għaxaq, was found lying on the ground and injured at around 4am in Triq Sant'Andrija, St Julian's. He died before paramedics could intervene. 

The accused, who lives in Birżebbuġa, was charged with involuntary manslaughter through carelessness, imprudence and lack of skill, damaging third party property, driving dangerously, recklessly and in a negligent manner and speeding.

Magistrate Ian Farrugia is leading an inquiry into the case. Police investigations are ongoing. 


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