On Wednesday, May 26, Żebbuġ archpriest Canon John Sultana blessed and rang the big bell after it was restored to its former glory. The bell was brought back to Żebbuġ from Malta after it was restored by campanologist Kenneth Cauchi. The iron structure was made by Michael Zerafa.

The surface of the bell was cleaned from dirt, which along the years defaced the inscription and other ornaments on the bell that reveal the history of Żebbuġ. Also, one can admire the characteristics of Barigozzi, the bell makers. Most of the structural work that will keep the bell in place is now cast in stainless steel.

The bell will be hoisted back in place when the steeple will be ready. The steeple, which houses the big bell, had to be rebuilt because the stonework had deteriorated due to the weather elements along the years.

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