Throughout the world credit cards are becoming the preferred method of payment for day-to-day purchases.

HSBC Bank Malta plc has taken the opportunity to introduce credit cards to a wider audience. Customers who apply for a credit card for the first time have a golden opportunity to use their card for all their shopping without being charged interest for the first six months.

This is the first time such an offer is being made on the local market. The offer is open to all customers who apply for a card until the end of July. The free credit offer applies only on balances resulting from purchase transactions that are paid by the credit card (not on cash withdrawals).

"Credit cards afford our customers financial flexibility and convenience," Patrick Lanzon, Card Products manager at HSBC Bank Malta, said. "As more and more convert to the cards, the risk of carrying cash around is reduced.

"The offer will permit new credit card users to try out the service without paying any interest for six months on any outstanding balance on their account, which arises from payment for their day to day purchases."

More information on HSBC's credit cards can be obtained from any HSBC branch in Malta and Gozo. Customers can also call HSBC on 2380-2380 or visit the Website .

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