The Front Harsien ODZ hit out at the government today for 'bulldozing ahead' with the transfer of an ODZ site in Zonqor for the 'American University of Malta'.

The government has insisted that parliament must give its approval before rising for the Christmas recess. The issue is due to be debated tonight, with the sitting expected to continue into the early hours 

"The Labour Government is selling Malta's public domain through a very rushed process with no transparency. Government has failed to publish its heads of agreement with Sadeen group, has bypassed the parliamentary environment committee and is ignoring advice from MEPA on sustainable alternatives to Zonqor," the Front said in a statement.

MPs who vote in favour of the sale of Zonqor will not be considered as credible when, before the next elections, they attempt to show their environmental credentials

"Government is ignoring Front Harsien ODZ, all opposition parties, internal opposition within Labour, all environmental NGOs, civil society and Malta's biggest ever environmental protest.

"The only concession given by the government, to reduce the footprint of ODZ development, is not enough, as a huge area of ODZ public land will still be given to the Jordanian big business group," the Front added.

"The government also violated its own SPED policy as it did not consider all alternatives before deciding to sell Zonqor".

The Front said the Zonqor issue was a clear example of bad governance and said it would remain vigilant and active in opposing the proposed development, which still has to pass through planning process.

"Members of Parliament who vote in favour of the sale of Zonqor will not be considered as credible when, before the next elections, they will attempt to show their environmental credentials," it said.

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