Fil-ħlewwa ta' Mejju is the title of the upcoming concert by The New Choral Singers which is being held on Saturday, May 21, in the cloister of the Priory of St Dominic, Rabat (Malta). The concert is being organised in collaboration of the Humanitas Foundation and the Priory hosting the event.

The repertoire for this concert is a selection of sacred compositions some of which are being performed by the choir for the first time. The programme includes excerpts from Mozart’s Vesperae Solennes de Confessore and Vivaldi's Magnificat as well as music by other celebrated composers such as Thomas Tallis, Orlando Gibbons, and Johann Sebastian Bach. Local works by the 18c composer Francesco Azopardi and Mauro Farrugia will also be sung including a new arrangement of the much-loved Fil-ħlewwa ta' Mejju.

Irina Fedcenko-Carbonaro will be accompanying the choir on the piano.

The New Choral Singers in concert at St John's Co-Cathedral. Photo: Brian AgiusThe New Choral Singers in concert at St John's Co-Cathedral. Photo: Brian Agius

The concert starts at 7.30pm and entrance is free of charge. However, a retiring collection in aid of the recent restoration works undertaken within the Priory will be held and all contributions would be greatly appreciated.

Further information may be obtained from the choir’s website at

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