More than 20 awards are up for grabs for Maltese businesses that are attaining outstanding achievements in business innovation, competence, inventiveness and green initiatives in the first-ever edition of the Malta Business Awards.

The event, organised by The Malta Chamber of SMEs in collaboration with Malta Enterprise, seeks to recognise outstanding startups, female entrepreneurs, apprenticeship initiatives, and solutions targeting climate change and sustainable processes, among others.

Businesses can swoop awards in four categories: distinct initiatives, green ambassadors, celebrating business and business innovation.

Enterprises may nominate themselves or be nominated for awards in inclusivity, best CSR initiative, exceptional wellbeing at the workplace, excellent customer service and innovative business, among others.

The best apprentice of the year, the leader in quality tourism, the best campaign, the most innovative business, the most innovative climate solution, the best waste management strategy and the best green transport initiative will also take home (or to their offices) shiny awards.

The ceremony will also grant awards to the Gozo business of the year, SME of the year, startup business of the year, young entrepreneur of the year, female entrepreneur of the year, family business of the year, and the best financial institution.

In a press conference that kicked off the nomination process, Malta Enterprise CEO Kurt Farrugia said he hopes that the winners of the awards would serve as role models for other enterprises, inspiring them to improve their processes.

"Malta Enterprise actively assists enterprises through a variety of schemes aiming to improve the standards and the quality of services offered. Some of these schemes are the Smart & Sustainable Investment Grant, Invest, Research &Development and Innovate," he added.

Malta Chamber of SMEs president Paul Abela said that these awards have created a platform for recognition which will inspire others through the good initiatives being taken by local businesses and encouraged businesses to participate.

Minister for the Environment, Energy and Enterprise Miriam Dalli said that this moment should serve as inspiration for enterprises to be more sustainable, digital, catering to their clients' needs, offering good quality products whilst also ensuring competitiveness.

"The Business Awards serve as a means to learn from each other’s success stories, as well as for enterprises themselves to define the next steps to improve their processes," she said.

Nominations may be submitted here and are open until September 25. The finalists will be announced on October 10.

The final, gala awards ceremony will be held on October 28 at the Mediterranean Conference Centre.

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