For the first time in living memory, the procession with the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows passed through Republic Street, followed by hundreds of penitents, instead of following the usual route through Merchants Street, in Valletta yesterday.

The detour was meant to symbolically join the two communities of cloistered nuns - those of St Ursula, whose convent is in the street that bears their name, and the nuns of St Catherine, whose convent is in Republic Street.

The procession started out at the church of St Mary of Jesus in St John Street, moved up St Ursula Street, turned into St Christopher Street and then up Republic Street.

Some of the penitents were barefooted and holding rosary beads, reciting prayers in silence.

The procession was led by members of the Archconfraternity of the Crucifix, set up in 1646.

The faithful stopped at St John's Square where prayers were said followed by the blessing with the Holy Eucharist.

President Guido de Marco and Archbishop Joseph Mercieca were among those who took part in this traditional Holy Week religious ritual.

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