TTTLINES of Naples, in collaboration with their partners SMS Group, is launching a new car ferry service to Italy on Tuesday. The new service will be provided by two new sister ships, built in 2002, the Trinacria and the Partenope (each of 25,000 gross tons) and will operate twice-weekly trips to Catania and Naples and vice-versa.
"Passengers are offered the choice of either stopping in Catania (sailing time of five hours) or continuing their journey to Naples (sailing time 11 hours)," Neville Mifsud, chairman of the SMS Group said.
"Prices are within everyone's reach and include a trip on a vessel that has a speed of 25 knots, a car capacity of 75 and a 156-trailer capacity as well as a total of 960 passengers."
Vessels leave Malta every Tuesday and Thursday at 5 p.m. Both services will take exactly the same route. The first stop is Catania, where the ship will arrive at 10 p.m. At midnight the ship will proceed to Naples.
On the return trip to Malta, the vessel once again calls at Catania before returning to Malta at 3 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
"For the comfort of those who prefer to rest during the voyage, there are also 78 four-bedded cabins complete with shower and bath," Mr Mifsud said. "We also cater for those not wanting to book a cabin. For this purpose, comfortable aircraft-type seats are available. A bar, lounge area and self-service restaurant are also available."
Further enquiries and reservations can be made with SMS Group on 2123-2211.