Chris Grech is the new chairman of the Malta Tourism Authority, replacing John Grech (no relation), who had steered the authority since its inception.

Though a relative newcomer to the MTA, Mr Grech, 40, has held several positions with a tourism connection in the past.

In the last 10 years, he occupied a number of posts, including chairman of Skytel and the Mediterranean Offshore Bunkering Company, director at Vodafone and managing director of Grech & Co Ltd. He has also headed Axis, the popular Paceville nightclub.

Only last January, he was appointed chairman of the Marketing and Promotion Board of the MTA.

When contacted, Mr Grech admitted that the appointment came out of the blue but expressed a determination to make an impact.

He said that together with the board, he intended to undertake a comprehensive situation analysis to squeeze out the best of the MTA.

"I think it's a misconception to say that the MTA is simply there to market Malta. The marketing function is nowadays linked with the product.

"We need to know how we are faring against our competition, how tourists book their holidays, and so on..." he said.

Tourism Minister Francis Zammit Dimech said he believed Mr Grech was the right man for the job.

"I sincerely think he is a hands-on man and has a feel for the industry," the minister said, describing Mr Grech as a marketing professional.

Dr Zammit Dimech has in the meantime written to the outgoing chairman, thanking him for his contribution along the years.

The minister had pointed out that Dr Grech's resignation was only accepted in the context that chairmen were asked to submit their resignation in the wake of the new government cabinet.

The resignation, he said, was not linked to media reports that Dr Grech had a conflict of interest in connection with a powerboat event.

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