Malta has suffered from very poor development in the past 40 years. Since the 1960s' building boom, the loss of countryside to development has been at an almost astonishing rate. Astonishing were it not for the high population density our island has. However, the fact remains that in these last 40 years over 40 per cent of the countryside has been gobbled up and turned into asphalt and stone.

Even then the development has not been properly planned nor have aesthetics figured highly in the picture. One needs only look at Malta's newest town, Bugibba, compared to, say, Valletta or any village for that matter, to understand this straight away.

Along the coast the picture is very serious. As one starts in Hal Far with its factories, fly tipping and quarries, towards the Freeport, Birzebbuga, Marsascala, all the way round to Marsaxlokk, to sprawling Xghajra, Rinella, Ricasoli, Sliema, St Julians, Bahar ic-Caghaq (including the so-called caravan site), Maghtab, Salina (a new town built in the 1980s), St Paul's Bay, Mellieha - one can see that not much of the southeast coastline is left unspoilt. About 60 per cent of the total coastal area is built up or severely degraded, much of it taken up by hotels which naturally deny access to our own people.

But in spite of population pressures and the small land mass, there is much to save... and it is not too late.

Malta boasts of some stunning scenery in the northwest. The countryside with its hills, valleys and cliff faces are complemented by the Mediterranean sea. Flora and fauna abound. Endemic plants, such as orchids, saghtar, widnet il-bahar, and wild flowers abound, among the grasses and trees. Rubble walls, troglodytic villages, prehistoric and historic traces of man's ingenuity can be found everywhere, a mediaeval chapel, a water irrigation system hundreds of years old, still in use, a cluster of farmhouses, cultivated fields with fruit and ripening vegetables.

Birds abound at the cliff edge and the fauna is diverse and interesting - even if you are not particularly attracted to lizards and frogs.

This is walking country, a place where you can park the car and walk among stunning scenery, fresh air and enjoy God's creations - it is a spiritual place.

Rambling, walking, jogging, mountain biking and cycling can all happen here. Agro-tourism can also happen but it needs some investment and marketing - and of course very sensitive planning - a quality of which we are deficient. Malta can offer so much more to its people as well as its visitors. Other countries have their Yellow Stone or Lake District. Even neighbouring Sicily has its beautiful national parks. We should have the same to enjoy for ourselves and protect for future generations. What is stopping us from doing this?

We must act fast as the rot has started. What has happened to 60 per cent of the coastline is now poised to gobble up the rest. This result of ignorance, apathy and political abdication of responsibility cannot go on.

On Din l-Art Helwa's initiative, six NGOs have got together to press for a national park to be set up in the north of Malta. Din l-Art Helwa, BirdLife Malta, Nature Trust, Friends of the Earth, The Ramblers Association and Gaia Foundation have made proposals to Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi, to consider setting up a national park to preserve what is among Malta's most precious countryside. Meetings have also been held with the Environment Minister George Pullicino and Cultural Heritage Minister Francis Zammit Dimech.

The feedback has been encouraging. There does seem to be real interest in this proposal from the government which also indicated that they wish NGOs to be involved. The Prime Minister has already mooted the idea of a park albeit in reference to the golf course at Ghajn Tuffieha and Mr Pullicino has asked for technical details and, crucially, how the park is to be funded if the NGOs are to participate. In the coming weeks we shall be putting together our answer.

Legislation, modelled on the UK's national parks or those in Canada or Italy, are available and can be adapted to Malta's needs. However, it is imperative that the land within the park area is clearly designated and administered by trustees within strict guidelines. The park must be managed to a set management plan and to the highest standards. We would also like to see NGO involvement and Din l-Art Helwa is ready to give its input at all levels, including financial.

Our founder president, Maurice Caruana Curran, used to say "the best is the enemy of the good" in the sense that we should not wait for the perfect solution to prevent us from at least starting. Therefore we need not wait until all the legislation is in place or all the funding is accumulated. We must make a start urgently. We must set a park boundary which may not be the whole area to be encompassed but which will signify a start. We can then build on the foundation and grow.

We can learn from the success of the National Trust in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In the early 1960s, the Trust launched Operation Neptune - a fund to save the coastline. Since then over 600 miles of coastline have been saved and conserved. Some of the most beautiful stretches of England's coast are now open to all and actively managed. Nearly 40 years on, Malta must do the same.

The writing is on the wall - unless we set the task to establish a national park, further development will ruin what is left. We have lost 40 per cent in as many years and we risk losing the remainder in the next couple of generations. Yes, the Malta Environment and Planning Authority has brought in some semblance of planning but illegal activity and "major projects purporting to be the answer to all things" will put paid to good intentions.

At Din l-Art Helwa we look to the support of all who have Malta's heritage, history and culture at heart to support this initiative. We call on the Prime Minister, his Cabinet, and the opposition, to take this historic and gigantic step to preserve this land and stop encroaching development.

Future generations may remember this and judge us accordingly. Do our leaders have the vision and the strength to do this? The gauntlet is down, the challenge there... and I do believe we have a chance.

Mr Galea is president of Din l-Art Helwa.

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