The Curia has released the new coat of arms of Archbishop-elect Mgr Paul Cremona.

It represents the surnames of Mgr Cremona's parents, red for Cremona and blue for Cauchi; the Dominican Order, a black cape on a white habit; and a white palium with black crosses, which is the traditional symbol of the grade and authority given to new archbishops by the Pope on June 29, the feast of St Peter and St Paul. The coat of arms also includes a green ecclesiastical hat and 10 tassels on each side, a symbol of the Archbishop's authority. At the back is the eight-pointed Maltese Cross, which indicates the nationality of the Archbishop, and the Patriarchal Cross.

At the bottom of the coat of arms is the Archbishop's motto: "Prepare the path for Our Lord".

The Curia also released the official logo that will be used during the activities related to the inauguration of Mgr Cremona as Archbishop of Malta.

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