Mepa yesterday gave its thumbs up to the outline development zone extension of the Ramla Bay Hotel, in Marfa.

The extension will include 93 rooms on a new floor and wing, indoor and outdoor facilities and landscaping.

Nature Trust, among others, objected to the application, on grounds that an EIA should have been carried out, while arguing against further extensions outside the development zone.

The case officer argued in his report, however, that the development is considered to be in line with the tourism objectives of the Structure Plan and the draft Marfa Action Plan.

"The proposed tennis courts and increase in land take-up do not fully comply with the intentions of the policies outlined above, however the Planning Directorate considers that the proposal is justifiable on policy grounds since the tennis courts constitute a leisure and tourism use ODZ (outside development zone) in relation to the hotel," the report said.

"Such use cannot realistically be located elsewhere in the hotel. The visual impact of the proposed extension and the tennis courts are considered minimal when viewed in the context of the area especially considering the concentration of tourism developments in the area. Parking provisions are satisfactory," it added.

Eventually, the board approved the application by seven votes to one.

Not too far from the Ramla Bay, the owners of another tourism complex, the Sea Bank Hotel, are applying for a substantial extension of their property outside development zone.

The application is for the extension of some 70 rooms over the existing 250 over a new terraced development, which will rise 10 floors.

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