Gymstars members recorded a spate of commendable results during a well-organised international competition held recently at their Tarxien premises.

After their excellent showing at the Games of the Small States of Europe in Cyprus last month, the young Gymstars athletes underlined the improvement being made thanks to the guidance of their professional Bulgarian coaches, Plamen Angelov Peynov, Ivelin Andreev Ivanov and Antonina Uzunova.

At the last international event, Gymstars tested their skills against high-level gymnasts from countries like Bulgaria, Italy, England, Scotland, Luxembourg and Wales.

The competition was inaugurated by Bernard Vassallo, the chairman of the Kunsill Malti għall-iSport.

In the A and B categories for girls, Iliana Sheitnova and Mileva Ralitza, both from Bulgaria, and Elizabeth Partridge and Oliva Platch, representing the Europa Club from England, were a cut above the rest.

However, in the other classes, Gymstars members left their mark and gained a bagful of medals.

In the C 10-13 years category, the outstanding Kirsty Caruana claimed top spot, winning gold on vault and uneven bars and a fourth place on floor.

Third-placed Nicole Pace also turned in a fine performance. She was first on floor, second on uneven bars and third on vault. Adreana Zammit, who also represented Malta in the Cyprus GSSE, also produced a sound display, finishing joint-third with Pace and second on beam.

In the same category, Martina Galea finished sixth out of 31 competitors.

In category C 7-9, the young Mia Vickery, also of Gymstars, left an excellent impression, finishing first overall. Vickery was first on beam and uneven bars, third on floor and fourth on vault.

In the D 10-13 section, Tara Dalli also placed first overall. She won gold on the uneven bars and was third on beam and fourth on floor.

In category D 7-9, Suzanne Buttigieg and Claire Azzopardi were rewarded for their enthusiasm.

Buttigieg was second overall and third on floor, while Azzopardi was third overall and won gold on floor.

Despite not winning any medals, Kyaley Bondin and Sana Grillo showed progress.

The Gymstars boys also produced a good showing. The Camilleri brothers, Matthias and Isaac, were in a class of their own in category C 14-16, finishing first and second overall respectively. Matthias was first on floor, high bars and pommel horse, and second on rings, vault and parallel bars. Isaac obtained first place on parallel bars, vault and rings, and second on pommel horse and floor and third on high bars.

In the D category for the 10-13 age-group, Ryan Busuttil was class-ified second overall. He finished second on high bars, rings and vault and third on pommel horse, parallel bars and floor. Simon Gravino was second on pommel horse.

In the category D 7-9 years, another Gymstars member, Nicky Vassallo, was third on vault. Keith Gravino and Karl Cumbo also had a positive outing.

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