The following are the top stories in the Maltese and overseas press:

The Times leads with the trial of former Chief Justice Noel Arrigo, where the court heard that Judge Arrigo said that what had happened was the result of friendship and he did not take any money. It also reports that a man has been accused of killing his Ukrainian wife, found dead in a lift shaft earlier this week. She was mother of two.

The Malta Independent speak of a ‘bloodbath in Marsa' caused by a drainage blockage at the abattoir. The blood was animal blood.

In-Nazzjon reports that €30 million are to be invested on photovoltaic cells on the roofs of public buildings to feed the national power grid. The project will be handled by the private sector. It also says the former Chief Justice admitted to the police that he had made a mistake but did not receive money for reducing a prison term on appeal. He said the decision to reduce the jail term was agreed by all the judges on the court.

l-orizzont leads with the arraignment of the Ukrainian woman's husband to face murder charges. It also gives prominence to a shooting at Hal Far yesterday. A Safi man fired seven shots at the residence of a former policeman, injuring no one. It also reports that many people with disabilities are living in poverty.

The Press in Britain...

The Financial Times says the Bank of England has raised its UK growth predictions to 2.1 per cent in 2010 and 4 per cent in 2011 but still warned the strength of Britain's economic recovery is "highly uncertain" amid "sharply" rising inflation.

"Britain on the mend" is how the Daily Express projects the upbeat message delivered by the Bank of England.

The Guardian claims the government has plans to transform public services, giving staff more involvement in how their schools and hospitals are run.

The Daily Telegraph claims civil servants at the Ministry of Defence have received £47 million in bonuses this year.

The Daily Mail highlights the figure of £287 million that has been paid to civil servants since Britain went to war in Iraq.

The Daily Mirror accuses Conservative leader David Cameron of using Armistice Day as a publicity stunt.

The Independent claims Peter Mandelson is raising questions about the relationship between the Tory leader and Rupert Murdoch, the boss of News International.

The Times claims nurses will soon need a degree to be able to work in the NHS.

The Sun says police officers are going to be given a 93-page manual on how to ride a bike.

And elsewhere...

Al Quds Al Arabi quotes Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas again calling on Isreali OPrime Minister Benjamin Natanyahu to stop settlement building in the West Bank before he would resume peace talks. He accused Israel of trying to thwart the internationally backed "two-state solution" that would bring a Palestinian state into being alongside Israel.

Aftonbladet reports Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt announcing the 27 EU leaders will meet in Brussels next week to fill the key new positions of EU president and EU foreign policy chief, created by the ratification of the Lisbon reform treaty.

French and German dailies print pictures of French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel appearing together for the first time at a First World War remembrance ceremony. The two leaders said it was now time to celebrate their countries' reconciliation and friendship. Together they laid a wreath of flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and symbolically relit the perpetual flame above it to mark the 91st anniversary of the end of the war.

Teheran Times quotes President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vowing on TV that his country would defend its nuclear facilities "in line with its national interests". Iran has not responded to a plan by the UN International Atomic Energy Agency whicht called for the Islamic republic to ship its uranium to Russia for enrichment in an attempt to prevent it from developing nuclear weapons.

The Washington Times says the White House has dismissed suggestions by the British Prime Minister that President Barack Obama is close to announcing a decision on the deployment of more troops to Afghanistan

In Australia, the Herald Sun reports that scientists in Melbourne are poised to begin revolutionary surgery to help cancer victims regrow their breasts.

Berliner Zeitung says a racist murderer who stabbed a pregnant Egyptian woman to death in a German courtroom has been sentenced to life in prison.

The Wall Street Journal says US President Barack Obama tops the inaugural World's Most Powerful People list, an index compiled by business magazine Forbes. He is followed by his Chinese counterpart Hu Jintao and Russian prime minister and former president Vladimir Putin.

O Globo reports Brazil has emerged from a widespread power cut that plunged as many as 60 million people in Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo and major cities into darkness for hours. All of neighbouring Paraguay was plunged into the dark, but for less than a half hour.

The Irish Times confirms Fr Michael Sinnott, the elderly Irish priest held captive by a kidnap gang in the Philippines for the past month, has been released. Kidnappers of the 79 year old missionary were demanding $2m (€1.3m) for his release. It is not yet clear if a ransom was paid.

Deccan Herald says rescuers are still trying to reach a four-year-old boy stuck in a 150-ft well in western India by manually digging a pit next to it. The boy fell into the well on Monday while playing with his sister.

Lima Post says doctors in northern Peru have removed almost a kilogram of nails, coins, scrap metal and a small knife from a man's stomach. The man, who was admitted to the hospital with severe abdominal pains, is in a stable condition and now being examined by mental health specialists.

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