Young singer Thea Garrett had to watch a recording of yesterday’s Malta EuroSong contest to believe that she had actually won it.

“Although this had been my dream, I could not believe I won,” she said yesterday.

A first time contender, Thea, 17, obtained the highest points both from the judges and the voting public for the song My Dream, composed by Jason Cassar and penned by Sunny Aquilina.

Speaking to while preparing for a television programme this afternoon, Thea said this she had been dreaming about taking part in the Eurovision for years and when she was 14, Mr Cassar promised he would compose a song for her in a few years.

He kept his word and when she was 16 started working on a song with her. After a brief interlude last year when Thea took part in the Voice of Tomorrow competition in London, Thea and Jason spent the past year perfecting My Dream.

Yesterday, they started planning a song for next year's contest. Little did they know that in a few hours' time Thea would be winning this year's.

Both Thea and Jason were satisfied with the result and they would not like the song to be changed for the Eurovision.

A keen Eurovision fan who has been recording the contest since 1997, Thea says that she is inspired by Sara Brightman and Whitney Houston.

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