Rabat, Dingli, Mdina and Mtarfa were the focus of a series of activities recently organised by Bank of Valletta (BoV). The eighth in a series of BoV community weeks included the organisation of activities that dealt with the themes of art and culture, the environment, heritage, sports and business.
BoV chief operations officer Igino Xuereb inaugurated the community week at BoV's Rabat branch, surrounded by staff members and various dignitaries from Rabat.
Artistic works by Marco Cremona and Saviour Xuereb, pottery by Peter the Potter, a selection of Glass works, ganutell and bizzilla decorated the branch.
All households in these localities received a detailed brochure of all events held during this week and benefitted from a 50 per cent discount on entrance fees to all museums in the area, such as Palazzo Falson and the Mdina Experience.
Members of BoV's staff at the Rabat branch paid visits to homes for the elderly in the localities, and to Dar il-Kaptan in Mtarfa - the respite centre for people with disabilities - where they planted a number of trees in collaboration with Mtarfa council.
A presentation on health and safety by the bank's health and safety officer was delivered at Dingli council, while a lecture on the banking and financial system in Malta was delivered at St Agatha College.
The community week came to a close with a day dedicated to young savers. Local girl guides were involved in activities that included mini-basketball, face-painting and photo-opportunities with the BoV Young Savers Account mascots.