One of Britain’s oldest women, who fought to save her council-run care home from closure, has died, her family said.

Louisa Watts, 107, made headlines when she was among a group of elderly residents who vowed not to leave Underhill House in Wolverhampton, taking the fight as far as the Court of Appeal.

The six women lost their battle to stay at the 40-year-old home, which Wolverhampton City Council said did not meet modern standards, and were moved out in January.

Mrs Watts, believed to be the fifth oldest woman in Britain, died at Bentley Court Care Home in the Wednesfield area of Wolverhampton.

Her son Derek, who had warned the upheaval of moving home could kill her, said: “It’s heartbreaking. She didn’t suffer, it was very peaceful and she wasn’t in any pain so we are grateful for that.

Local councillor Steven Evans, who had supported the fight to keep Underhill House open, said: “The family are devastated.”

Paying tribute to Mrs Watts’s “remarkable courage”, he added: “In the twilight of her years she should have been enjoying her last days and not taking on the might of the council.

“The courage and spirit she showed will always live on.”

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