The GRTU has called on the government to organise temporary parking facilities at St James Ditch, just outside Valletta, until the space is eventually taken up by the new bus terminus.

In talks with the government, the chamber said the space at St James, where the Sunday market is set up, should be designated a parking area at least in the run-up for Christmas, easing a loss of parking in Valletta because of infrastructural works.

The GRTU said that a total of 200 new parking bays should be made available in the coming days in the vicinity of the Phoenicia Hotel. Another 100 spaces will be available outside City Gate to replace the ones lost due to the City Gate embellishment projects.

GRTU is also in discussions for the provision of an extra 200 spaces in a number of vital locations servicing Valletta.

Moreover, the Park and Ride at Blata l-Bajda will be extended by another 500 parking spaces.

The GRTU said the MCP car park is also to be extended. It said it welcomed the temporary solution of having Members of Parliament parking in Merchants Street in the afternoon. Following this move a number of parking spaces in Archbishop Street and Republic Street were regained.

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