James Hewitson has been appointed HSBC Malta’s head of insurance and managing director of HSBC Life Assurance (Malta) Limited. Mr Hewitson took over from Richard Jones, who has moved to a new role within the HSBC Group.

Mr Hewitson’s career in insurance industry goes back 15 years and he qualified as a Fellow of the Institute of Actuaries in 2003.

He also holds an Executive MBA from the London Business School. Mr Hewitson joined HSBC Life UK in Southampton in 2005 and in 2009 was appointed head of business management for the HSBC Insurance, UK, Europe and Middle East regional head office where he was responsible for strategy and planning across the region.

HSBC Malta CEO Alan Richards said: “We are delighted to welcome James to the team in Malta and I have no doubt he will build on the strong foundations that have been established with the Insurance business over the last 15 years.”

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