The Bolshoi’s performance of the ballet Coppelia will be screened live at Eden Cinemas next Sunday at 5 p.m.

Coppelia was premiered in 1870 at the Paris Opera (The National Academy of Music and Dance). It was choreographed by Arthur Saint-Leon, who had relinquished his post as head of the Petersburg Ballet to Marius Petipa.

Saint-Leon was also a virtuoso dancer, expert on dance folklore, composer and violinist. It was his interest in folk dance that was responsible for the appearance in the music score of such a rich selection of dance melodies based on folklore.

Coppelia is considered to be one of the first ballets to contain Slav motifs. Coppelia is presented with two intervals, with the use of decor sketches by Pyotr Lambin and Heinrich Levot and costume sketches by Adolph Charlemagne, Pyotr Grigoriev and Yevgeny Ponomaryov.

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