Il-Maqluba is a deep, large-scale inland collapsed solution structure, caused by a dissolution of limestone followed by cavern collapse, to form a doline.

Through this collapsed structure, the doline bed supports a dense laurel matorral, typical of shaded sub-humid conditions.

Such matorral is dominated by the large bay laurel trees (rand), which, although a true Maltese native species, is locally rare with a restricted distribution in the Maltese islands. Various other trees occur in the area, such as the Maltese national tree, the sandarac gum (għargħar) and the Maltese salt tree (siġar tal-irmied), a tree species endemic to the Maltese islands. Il-Maqluba is also important for many species, including invertebrates, macro-fungi and myxomycetes, that are confined to this area or which have a restricted distribution in the Maltese islands.

The Natura 2000 site has various protective designations being an Area of Ecological Importance; a Site of Scientific Importance; a Nature Reserve and a Special Area of Conservation of International Importance. Mepa declared this site as a Tree Protected Area on May 24 , in accordance with the provisions of the Trees and Woodlands Protection Regulations (2011) as per Government Notice number 473/11.

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