This area, in the locality of Mosta, includes the escarpment off Wied Filep overlooking Wied il-Għasel, along the area known as Dawret il-Wied. This escarpment includes a number of old sandarac gum trees (għargħar), which were already reported in the area during the early 20th century and probably represent the remnants of a larger population reported from the area of Wied Filep. Other small trees and shrubs are known to be in the area and these include the tree spurge (tengħud tas-siġra) and the great sage (salvja tal-Madonna), the latter having a restricted distribution in the Maltese islands and the Mediterranean.

The area is listed as an Area of High Landscape Value and was declared a Nature Reserve.

Mepa declared this site as a Tree Protected Area on May 24, in accordance with the provisions of the Trees and Woodlands Protection Regulations (2011) as per Government Notice number 473/11.

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