I refer to letters about Paceville: it seems to live a Jekyll and Hyde existence. In the mornings and early afternoons it is a hub of commercial and amusement activities both for the very young and old who enjoy themselves and find ways to have a good time in pleasant surroundings. It is not a large area but it packs in a lot for its size. The place is worth visiting for locals and tourists alike. It has a warm welcome for all people of good intentions and kind greetings.
However, it seems that when night approaches it turns off much of its morning glory and glamour and finds itself immersed in a muddle of the good, the bad and the sometimes ugly. Like a miniature of every big city it requires constant vigilance, police surveillance, honest and legal trading, good intentions and the need of moral and spiritual uplifts among all the noise, lights and crazy antics that seem to creep into the late night atmosphere.
Administering Paceville is never going to be easy as it is quite an explosive package.
People who flock to it must face reality and try to integrate an enjoyable time with avoiding too much alcohol and other substances that tend to lead to aggression, stupidity, false pretensions and lax of morality that leave a sour taste the morning after.
They should enjoy their time but remember that the forces of law and order are doing their work to ensure a safe and relaxed atmosphere in such a crowded and volatile area of humanity.
Paceville deserves to be regarded in its proper way: knowing and accepting its reputation but helping to minimise its undeserved tension and fear with the right attitude and the best intentions.