The proposed development at Wied il-Għasel in Mosta was unsustainable, Alternattiva Demokratika has said.

Mosta already had too many vacant properties and there was no need for further development on a large scale, AD’s spokesman on sustainable development, Carmel Cacopardo, argued.

The development permit for an existing building to be demolished and replaced by a number of apartments, penthouses and garages should be withdrawn because the land for which the permit was issued formed part of the ecological system associated with Wied il-Għasel, AD said. The development taking place on site was destroying one of the few remaining open spaces close to the centre of Mosta.

Mr Cacopardo said the building of residences, which remained unoccupied, was an additional burden on local council resources that could easily go towards improving the amenities used by the community rather than serving the interests of speculators.

AD chairman Michael Briguglio said the green party was four-square behind Ħarsien Patrimonju Mosta in its activism against the destruction of the valley.

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